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70mm, 35mm, & 16mm film fest Banská Bystrica

18. - 20. 7. 2025

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2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025
Film loaded in the projector

Seeing a 35mm film print being projected in a cinema nowadays is a rare occasion. And will become even more rare with time. But what's really hard, is to see a 70mm screening anywhere nearby. After the closure of many cinemas in Slovakia there was simply not a single one left which could run a 70mm print any more.

Only after the Amphitheatre in Banská Bystrica was revived to life by a group of enthusiasts in 2014 and subsequent reconstruction of the original projection equipment the first 70mm fest was brought to life in 2016. To this day, the Amphitheatre remains the only place in the country able to screen a 70mm print.

To make the festival a bit more appealing to visitors from more distant places, which could spend a nice summer weekend in Banská Bystrica, we decided to join forces with the local art club cinema, where the 35mm and 16mm screenings take place during the day.

A projectionist cleaning the projector

Our goal is to bring classic films once a year back on large screen. Films that made their mark in history of cinematography. Our selection is usually very varied in genre, but we hope you can always find some of your favourites in it.


OZ za! amfiteáter
Mládežnícka 39, 97404 Banská Bystrica

IČO: 42308518

Letné kino na amfiteátri Filmový klub v Múzeu SNP Občianske združenie za! amfiteáter Kolotoče s. r. o. Múzeum Slovenského Národného Povstania Mesto Banská Bystrica

© za! amfiteáter 2024